UTOPIA Reinvents Enterprise Compute to Solve Cybersecurity Challenges and Address the 10 Trillion Dollar Cybercrime Problem

DFINITY Foundation announces the launch of UTOPIA, a new compute platform technology that creates private serverless clouds powered with unique security and resilience properties. The technology will enable enterprises and governments to build systems and services that do not depend on highly fallible cybersecurity technologies such as firewalls and anti-malware for protection against cyber attacks. The technology enables AI to run securely, enables software to manage digital assets natively, and allows governments to achieve sovereignty. UTOPIA is an acronym for “Unstoppable Tamperproof Open Platform for Independent Autonomy.”

UTOPIA technology directly addresses the critical IT challenges of our time. In 2025, the annual cost of cybercrime will pass 10 trillion dollars, with AI set to accelerate the growth of this problem dramatically. Today, everything from critical enterprise infrastructure to simple websites is at constant risk from ransomware that takes down systems while penetrative hacks continue to exfiltrate sensitive data at scale. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, 9,487 new data breaches have been publicly disclosed, with more than 35 billion personal records revealed to have been stolen. As this situation continues to worsen, cybersecurity threatens to become a challenge on a par with war and climate change.

Governments and enterprises can use UTOPIA’s open-source software to create private and sovereign serverless cloud platforms using compute capacity such as servers in data centers and compute instances provided by existing cloud services. What sets the technology apart, is that UTOPIA cloud platforms are created by a network protocol with mathematical properties that guarantee tamper-resistance and resilience, in ways analogous to blockchain technology, but with efficiency, performance and scalability characteristics suitable for hosting enterprise compute at scale.

UTOPIA cloud platforms can host serverless software that hackers cannot interact with in ways that allow them to change functionality, access private data, or install ransomware that encrypts software and data. This heralds a revolution in the way that enterprises and governments can build systems and services.

Dominic Williams, Founder and Chief Scientist of the DFINITY Foundation commented “UTOPIA reinvents compute by solving for the greatest IT challenges of our time: cybersecurity, resilience, IT productivity and sovereignty. Governments are wary of cloud services as they must surrender sensitive data to them. UTOPIA offers a solution by enabling them to operate next-generation private sovereign clouds over home-country hardware that have game-changing security properties.”

IT productivity is a pressing issue for enterprises and governments. The world spends 2 trillion dollars a year on IT personnel, who often spend the vast majority of their time chasing the complexity of current IT. UTOPIA platforms host serverless software and data in a secure serverless cloud environment that increases productivity by dramatically simplifying the development and administration of online systems and services.

UTOPIA technology is based on ICP (Internet Computer Protocol), which currently powers the Internet Computer network. In over three years in production, the Internet Computer has never suffered an outage, or a hack, while hosting hundreds of applications and millions of users. This means that ICP technology has been battle-proven and hardened for powering a public network that runs in the most demanding threat environment possible.

About the Internet Computer

The Internet Computer is currently used by millions of users and runs thousands of applications. Applications on the Internet Computer are built from smart contracts giving them the security features from blockchain, making them tamperproof and unstoppable. Different from other blockchain platforms, smart contracts on the Internet Computer are very powerful and on par with traditional software: they can serve web content, interact with any other Internet services, and process large amounts of data. A further difference is that due to the unique architecture and novel cryptography, the Internet Computer is energy efficient and comparable with traditional software that runs on Big Tech’s cloud services, and orders of magnitude lower than competing blockchains.


The DFINITY Foundation was established in Zürich, Switzerland, in 2016. Since then, it has become the largest blockchain tech employer in Switzerland and the DACH Region, with talented people from local and international organizations, such as IBM Research, Google Research, Meta, etc. The DFINITY Foundation is the creator and a major contributor to the Internet Computer, a third-generation blockchain that extends the functionality of the Internet from a network that connects devices globally to a computing platform that hosts systems and services directly on the blockchain.