DEX on Bitcoin: introducing Orders.Exchange – The first to offer Liquidity Pools on Layer 1

As the BRC20 craze continues to heat up, a new ecosystem centered around Meme coins has gradually emerged. The introduction of animal-themed Meme coins like $RATS has further enhanced the diversity and appeal of this system. However, a potential third wave of BRC20 evolution might be on the horizon, focusing on application-driven narratives. For instance, Orders.Exchange ($RDEX), which recently announced its upcoming launch on, Bitmart and CoinW, has gained immense attention in the BRC20 market. This is due to its unique architecture fully built on Bitcoin Layer 1, including being the first to implement liquidity pools and a complete order trading system on this layer.

Introduction to Orders.Exchange

Orders.Exchange, established as a fully decentralized exchange on the Bitcoin Layer 1 network, exhibits numerous innovative features compared to its counterparts. The platform not only supports a complete decentralized trading system for both ask and bid orders but has also independently developed the first decentralized liquidity pool solution based entirely on Bitcoin Layer 1. This technically-centered approach distinctly sets it apart from other similar decentralized exchanges.

This PSBT-driven trading system offers both convenience and security, keeping assets in the user’s wallet until the order finds a counterparty for execution. Unlike custodial DEX, this model prioritizes user control, executing transactions on-chain only after obtaining counterparty confirmation.

Contrasting Ethereum’s smart contract system, Bitcoin’s transaction model is based on the UTXO system. This requires all transactions on the Bitcoin network to match UTXOs. Technically, BID order transactions built on PSBT technology necessitate immediate UTXO matching. However, for any exchange, accomplishing this instant matching usually means maintaining a vast and diverse capital reserve, which no exchange can ensure at all times. To tackle this challenge, Orders.Exchange innovatively developed the first decentralized liquidity pool solution entirely on Bitcoin Layer 1.

This liquidity pool solution, still based on PSBT technology, further enhances asset security by introducing multi-signature technology. This combination ensures that assets added to the liquidity pool remain in the user’s wallet until used, with the user retaining full control. When liquidity is used for BID order execution, i.e., UTXO transfer, the multi-signature technology ensures the safe transfer of liquidity funds. Through multi-signature technology, funds used for liquidity are transferred to a multi-signature address controlled jointly by the exchange and user public keys, preventing unilateral asset transfer by the exchange and significantly enhancing asset security.

The Platform Token $RDEX

$RDEX is defined as the first utility token on BRC20, distinguishing it from the array of BRC20 animal Meme tokens. According to official information, the primary use of $RDEX is as a liquidity reward. Users who add liquidity and facilitate the execution of BID orders are allocated a share of $RDEX, linearly released daily, proportional to the value of their liquidity contribution. Additionally, the transaction fees generated from BID orders are used to repurchase and burn $RDEX listed on Orders.Exchange at a frequency of once every 48 blocks. This token model endows $RDEX with healthy, perpetual deflationary characteristics, enhancing its value as Orders.Exchange continues to grow.

Future Plans of Orders.Exchange

According to the official roadmap, the platform plans to launch a highly efficient, convenient, and secure Layer 2 trading solution in collaboration with Bitcoin sidechain MVC. This initiative aims to address issues like high transaction fees and network congestion during peak periods on the Bitcoin network, thereby enhancing the overall trading efficiency and user experience. Notably, MVC, as the world’s second-highest computing power Bitcoin sidechain, adds considerable strength and credibility to this plan.

With subsequent updates to Orders.Exchange, the platform will offer a more user-friendly interface and refined trading logic to ensure a smooth user experience. Future additions will include features like candlestick charts, inscriptions, and a launch pad, further enriching the trading tools and options available to users. Orders.Exchange aims to become a comprehensive decentralized exchange spanning both the Bitcoin Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks, providing users with a full range of trading solutions.


In summarizing the development and future plans of Orders.Exchange, it’s clear that the platform is not only a significant innovation on the Bitcoin network but also plays a crucial role in advancing the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. By integrating the BRC20 standard with advanced trading technologies, Orders.Exchange has not only enhanced the functionality of the Bitcoin network but also provided users with a safer and more efficient trading experience. With its continuous technological innovations and ecosystem expansion, Orders.Exchange is poised to become a major milestone in the blockchain industry, driving the sector towards higher levels of technical innovation and optimized user experiences. This positions Orders.Exchange as a pivotal player in shaping the future landscape of Bitcoin ecosystem, demonstrating the potential of Bitcoin-based innovations in the broader financial technology realm.